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Cookie Policy

Our cookie policy

This site uses cookies to give you the best possible experience.  We analyse traffic and behaviour in order to improve the website.

Cookies are small data files that are stored in your browser’s cache when you access our website, allowing it to recognise your browser and store information about your actions and preferences when visiting.  Cookies store data about your use, but they are helpful because they allow us to give you the best experience of our website.  Upon your first visit to our website you will be offered the choice to accept or reject cookies. You can configure your desktop or mobile browser’s settings to reflect your preference to accept or reject cookies, including how to handle third-party cookies.

We also use social widgets.  These are buttons or icons provided by third parties such as Facebook, which allow you to interact with those parties or services when you view our website.  These social widgets may collect browsing data, which may be received by the third party that provided the widget.  Be aware that if you choose to click on those widgets, your data may be processed by other organisations hosting those sites. We cannot control or monitor this, and you should have regard to their privacy policies.

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